Out into the countryside of San Diego is a small town called Julian, known for their apples. Apple orchards, apple picking, apple pies! Yum! I ventured out there in December, mainly because I had a client photo engagement session arranged there, but my friend Cara actually knows the bride, so she and I decided to make a little outing out of it before the photo session started.
Such a cute and charming used book store!

As soon as we finished lunch, this Alpaca was just waiting for us right outside the restaurant. Of course, we had to take photos. He was such a cutie, with the raddest set of teeth I ever did see.

Just a block away, there was a performance piece being done in parking lot. We sat down to watch a group of performers dressed in cowboy-era clothes talk about how the town of Julian was back in the day when it was still a gold-mining town.
It wasn’t until a bee stung me in the calf that Cara and I had to quietly bow out of watching this performance and perform some quick maneuvers into a nearby convenient store for some anti-itch cream. Sigh. First time getting stung by a bee, and I had a photo session to shoot just half an hour later.

Seriously so old-school, I love it!
We didn’t get to explore as much as we wanted because 1.) I got stung by a bee and my leg was not happy about it, 2.) I ultimately came there for a client photo shoot, so there was little time for other things.

It seems like a great little getaway town close to San Diego, maybe less than an hour from the main cities. I do want to try to come back when it’s apple season, and there is more activities to do like apple picking.