Chinese New Year in Vegas, Pt. II

And so, the saga of a quiet weekend in Las Vegas continues.

A friend of Joseph’s had suggested eating at Serendipity in Caesar’s Palace. It was a charming restaurant full of quirky designs. To start off, we had the Frozen Hot Cocoa (what they’re supposed to be known for) and it was delicious. I’m honestly craving some right now. Mmmmm. And then I had chili for dinner. I’m not quite sure why I ordered it, since I rarely get soups, but it was pretty tasty as well.

There are many street performers in Vegas, but this one caught my attention the most. What do you guys think, is this real?! If not, how is she doing it?!

Across the street, I saw an old lady doing the exact same trick.

I did end up playing some slots. We were given a $75 voucher to play, and it was only when I had $20 left that I kinda-sorta figured out how to play the slot machine properly. I even made $10 from that last $20! … until Joseph persuaded me to go and have some more fun, and see what I can come up with. After I lost $12, I couldn’t take losing any more (I really wanted to come out with a positive, just to say I made it in Vegas!) and cashed out. Ah well..

Our final dinner before heading back was at Gordon Ramsay’s new restaurant “Pub and Grill” in Caesar’s Palace. I have never eaten at a Gordon Ramsay place before, and was super excited to try a more affordable restaurant of his. One day, though, I WILL try the food at his Steak restaurant in the Paris hotel!

Anyway, this place was really cute! They were going for a British feel, which I love, and I ended up having the only British food I know – Bangers and Mash. Ah, so delicious :3

They had British music playing in the background, and I was so close to speaking with my British accent (I’m a pro) but I spared Joseph the embarrassment, hehe.

We headed back the next morning at 4AM to try and beat Los Angeles morning traffic, to no avail. 

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